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Zion PTG

Zion PTG stands for Zion Parent Teacher Group. We are a group of parents and teachers committed to sharing and implementing new ideas, organizing and coordinating fundraising opportunities, recruiting volunteers from both the school and church, and using a variety of different talents and abilities to improve Zion and continue to share our Christ-centered ministry.

Our monthly meetings are a great way to meet other Zion parents in both the Elementary/Middle School and the Early Childhood Center. We would love your input into ways we can help improve the school. Come share your ideas with us!

Restaurant Nights

Restaurant Nights are a fun and easy way to raise money for Zion! Our school receives a percentage of the sales from the event and we normally participate in multiple restaurant nights throughout the year. Invite your family and friends and don’t forget your flyer!


Have you been buying SCRIP? SCRIP cards are gift cards, except a percentage of the sales goes to Zion. We offer numerous cards, ranging from restaurants, to stores, to gas stations, to iTunes cards, and much more. Since March 2014 the PTG has been selling SCRIP at school and at Church. You also can purchase these cards anytime by stopping in at the office and asking Mrs. Perry. They are also available after the church service on Sunday.

Looking to up your donation to the school? PTG orders extra Scrip cards for the Dine and Donate Restaurant Night venues! You can buy a gift card (the school gets a percentage) and then pay for your meal with the gift card (and the school gets a percentage!) It's fast, easy, and helps out the students.